1950 – August 24

              Messages Given From Jesus Christ     – Time line

Ward A. Hougas August 24, 1950
Eastern Colorado Reunion



The voice of the Spirit comes to you, this My people, on this beautiful morning, bringing to you the assurance that your heavenly Father is pleased with your spirit of devotion, with your desires, with your intentions.

Yet His heart is grieved by the fickleness of your convictions and the manner in which we toy with the things of the Restoration as a child toys with the trinkets about his feet. And in the most crucial hour that the world has ever known, you still play with things of the world and give yourselves to the pleasures of the world as though no responsibilities rested upon your shoulders.

And the things that might have been so grand and beautiful would have been by now, had those, upon whose shoulders rested the ability to do so much, done more. But you have done so little; and I speak especially this morning to those who have accepted the responsibility of the priesthood because you stand in the stead of the Master.

And yet, because of your desires for the things of the world, because of your desires for wealth and for popularity and for power, the responsibilities of the Kingdom have been forgotten. Did not My servants of old leave their nets and their places of tribute that My Kingdom might be established?

And I ask you now, if you, too, will leave your nets and your places of tribute that your lives may be given, unrestricted, except for those responsibilities which call for the necessities of life, that the Kingdom might be builded in this hour. And, likewise those of you of the membership, the responsibility of forwarding My work rests upon you. Only as you respond to the needs of those about you, only as you testify both by your life and by word of mouth, shall My Kingdom be established.

Many of you who are parents have failed to give to your children the heritage of a faith in God and of a faith in the Kingdom which impels them into service. Your negligence is painful in My sight.

I would this morning that My people might understand that the time is short. The days of war are at your very doors, and nation upon nation shall go down. Even this choice nation, which it is the Master’s desire above all else to protect, cannot be fully protected because of the sins of the people.

My Saints shall stand in places of tribulation shall stand in places of great trial; and the very foundations upon which you stand shall be shaken. Except your convictions be great and except you give yourselves without reservations, you, too, shall face trials and eventually shall be counted among the lost.

And yet in the face of this hour, many people fail even in the simple things. Many of you are not faithful at the place of prayer. And many of you are not faithful as My Saints gather together with faith for instruction and devotion, into avenues that I have established for your growth and development, and yet are looked upon as trivial things incidental to your way of life.

The days of peace are gone from the world. Never again shall you see eras of peace as you have seen them in the past. Only between the greater eruptions of humanity shall there be lulls in which you shall find peace and happiness. Yet My promises are true; and those who shall give themselves, free from reservations that have held them down, and live aright shall find even in this hour peace and joy and satisfaction.

My arm is not shortened. My promises are not limited. My love stands forth as true for My people as ever before. I would gather you as I would many times have gathered you together; and yet ye will not, except you repent.

So, My little children, this morning I plead again that you forget the selfish ambitions that keep you from the causes of the Kingdom. Expel from your lives the things of the world which cause the people of the world to find you no different than they. The little habits, the little traits which you have developed in your pattern of living, must give way to greater life, to living which shall bring you close to the Master.

So, in the spirit of this hour, you can go forth, and this Spirit can be yours and will be yours to that degree to which you give yourselves unrelentingly, free from reservations and free from worldliness, that the voice of the Master might be with you eternally. Thus, saith the Spirit unto you, My people. Amen