2 Chronicles

The offering of Solomon — Solomon’s choice of wisdom — Solomon’s strength and wealth.

Preparation for building the temple.

The place, and time of building the temple — The measure and ornaments of the house.

The altar — The molten sea — The lavers, candlesticks, tables, courts, and instruments of brass and gold.

The dedicated treasures — The induction of the ark into the oracle — God giveth a sign of his favor.

Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the temple.

The people worship God — Solomon’s sacrifice — Solomon dismisseth the people — God giveth him promises upon condition.

Solomon’s buildings — The Gentiles made tributaries, but the Israelites rulers — Solomon’s sacrifices — He appointeth priests and Levites — Gold from Ophir.

The queen of Sheba — Solomon’s gold, targets, throne of ivory, vessels, presents, chariots, tributes, reign and death.

Revolt of the ten tribes.

Rehoboam reproved by Shemaiah — He strengtheneth his kingdom — The priests and Levites strengthen the kingdom of Judah.

Rehoboam forsaketh the Lord — The reign and death of Rehoboam.

Abijah overcometh Jeroboam.

Asa destroyeth idolatry, overthroweth Zerah, and spoileth the Ethiopians.

Asa, with Judah, maketh a covenant with God, and enjoyeth a long peace.

Asa putteth Hanani in prison — In his disease he seeketh not to God, but to the physicians.

Jehoshaphat prospereth — He sendeth Levites with the princes to teach Judah — His enemies terrified by God — His greatness.

Jehoshaphat joineth with Ahab against Ramoth-gilead — Ahab slain there.

Jehoshaphat reproved by Jehu — His instructions to the judges, priests, and Levites.

Jehoshaphat proclaimeth a fast — His prayer — The prophecy of Jahaziel Jehoshaphat’s reign.

Jehoram’s wicked reign — The prophecy of Elijah — Jehoram’s infamous death.

Ahaziah slain by Jehu — Athaliah usurpeth the kingdom.

Jehoiada maketh Joash king, and restoreth the worship of God.

Joash repaireth the temple; falling to idolatry, slayeth Zechariah.

Amaziah executeth justice on the traitors — Overthroweth the Edomites — Amaziah despiseth the admonitions of the prophet — He is slain by conspiracy.

Uzziah, succeeding, prospereth — He invadeth the priest’s office, and is smitten with leprosy.

Jotham, reigning well, prospereth — He subdueth the Ammonites — His reign — Ahaz succeedeth him.

Ahaz afflicted by the Syrians — Ahaz groweth more idolatrous — He dying, Hezekiah succeedeth him.

Hezekiah restoreth the worship of God — He exhorteth the Levites.

Hezekiah proclaimeth a passover — The assembly keep the feast fourteen days.

The people destroy idolatry — The people’s offerings and tithes — The sincerity of Hezekiah.

Sennacherib invades Judah — Hezekiah and Isaiah pray — An angel destroyeth the host of the Assyrians — Hezekiah healed — Hiswealth, works, and death.

Manasseh setteth up idolatry — Is carried into Babylon — Is released, and putteth down idolatry — His acts and death — Amon succeedeth him — Amon is slain — Josiah succeedeth him.

Josiah destroyeth idolatry — He repaireth the temple — The book of the law — Josiah reneweth the covenant with God.

Josiah keepeth a passover — He is slain — Lamentations for Josiah.

Jehoahaz deposed by Pharaoh, and carried into Egypt — Jehoiakim carried bound into Babylon — Jehoiachin brought into Babylon — Zedekiah despiseth the prophets, and Zedekiah rebelleth against Nebuchadnezzar — Jerusalem destroyed — The proclamation of Cyrus.