2024 June 8

Patriarch Mike Ballantyne
June 8, 2024



Silence reigns in the midst of heaven in anticipation of coming events. Beings are clothed in reverence. A tremendous upheaval is about to happen for when the earth travails so do the heavens. In the midst of birth pains which can be severe, the very earth will cringe in pain as a woman mourns her labor. The elements which are part of this process will also feel the travail, yearning to be delivered. Crying out in unsettling reverberation, the underlying pillars of the earth will shake as a frightened dog. Volcanic rock will spew forth its boiling magma, trying to release the pressure within its foundation. Each person experiencing trauma will be a reflection of the earth’s violation, for she is pained and cries unto her Creator for her sanctification.

As plague, panic, and suffering increases, the spirit of the earth will weep for her children for, unknown to man, the spirit of the earth is connected to man’s existence. In Jesus Christ all things co-exist. As the earth felt the pains of Christ’s crucifixion, so she will feel the pain of those enduring sickness, war, and deprivation. Even the elements in the land southward and beyond the Isthmus of Tehuantepec heaved in violent contortion as the great I AM, even the Creator, suffered the pain of transgression for all His creation, willing to subject himself to full reprisal, bearing the sin of every human being, both in the past and in the present generation. Future generations were also part of His agony and this bitterness of punishment is always before Him. For all things past, present, and future will be present with Him throughout all eternity. But He freely took upon himself the suffering of humanity because His love is all encompassing.

So as things unfold in the world’s final dilemma expect not only social and economic disaster, but expect the earth to rise up in anguish seeking to cleanse herself by way of violent storm, great earth movements, fire, and deluge as the oceans cross over their boundaries and sweep away whole cities and land forms. New York City and her inhabitants will sink into the sea. Fires will burn in Los Angeles and other major cities, both on the coastal areas and inland. Kansas City will be but a field of flowers and St. Louis’ Gateway to the West Arch will no longer be a landmark.

The New Madrid fault will shake in fury. Even Kansas City and towns further north to the borders of Minnesota will shudder in reverberation as the earth opens and closes on many inhabitants. Lack of fresh water and electrical services will force people to boil existing water supplies. Lack of utilities will cause the inhabitants to dwell in an uncivilized land such as was seen in days of the plains Indians. Pioneer families were accustomed to much hardship, but even they struggled for survival.

Even so, this deliberate wiping away of things unholy is preparing the way for millions who wait and suffer in abject poverty and incomprehensible bondage in other lands under oppressive authority. Having made the land more suitable, then it is the righteous of all nations will come under the direction of ordained priesthood and angelic battalions. So, as you view the momentous earth changes that will transpire during this great tribulation, think of the earth as a new creation, being cleansed of filth during her sanctification. Remember My promise to keep you safe during violent disturbance for the welfare of many will depend upon your dedication and the preparations you are making will soothe the wounded soul and bring solace to the disquieted spirit.

So be it.