2024 – October 5

Elder Aaron Norman Confirmed by Elder Vim Horn
October 5, 2024



Oh my children I am calling you out of Babylon this one last time.

For too long you have allowed yourselves to be held captive by the distractions and cares of the world. Put aside the yoke of sin and bondage. Come out of the world, repent and turn to me. Do not be discouraged by the turmoil of the world around you. I will shake the very foundations of the earth, and the wicked designs of men shall fail, but those who are stayed on me, and founded on my rock, shall not be moved. Look to me and I will deliver you. I will lead you from the captivity and bondage by my mighty hand. Even as I led the children of Israel so I will you. I will be your cloud by day and your pillar by night. Do not fear for I am with you. My love is great and I will gather you to the shadow of my wings.

Even so Amen.