2024 – September 15

Karl Anderson
September 15, 2024



Karl Anderson 9/15/24

The keys have already been entrusted in your care, pray and keep the commandments no matter the cost to you. When you do, it will unlock all the mysteries of the kingdom.

Zion will not come back so that we can live by the commandments, when we live by the commandments, Zion will come back.

I had a dream earlier in the summer. It was very dark and there was a personage who stood beside me. I knew that personage to be an angel of the Lord. I could not see his face, but he walked with me through the darkness. And he began to tell me, “go and gather the strength of the Lords house, for very soon I will come, and I will reveal all things pertaining to Zion.” This personage went with me and I knew that there were others; other priesthood who God had sent forth to begin to gather the strength of his house. And the message was to tell them that the Lord was going to return very soon. And when he returned he would reveal all things pertaining to Zion. So I made my way through the darkness. This personage led me from home to home to those places where there were men who had prepared their lives sufficiently. That they could be a part of that gathering process. And I knew in the dream where the place was that they were to gather. I can’t tell you where that was now. But I knew it then. And I told them to gather at the appointed time, and others were out doing the same. And then at the end of that dream I came upon that place where they were gathered. And the personage was still standing beside me. And as I walked upon that scene, I instantly discerned that there were those who were there who should not be there. I was able to discern whom God had called and there were some there, because they had “heard”, and they wanted to be a part, and as I walked up and I noticed a few that I knew shouldn’t be there. I turned to the personage and I said “why are they here?” And he said “they will not be permitted to stay. These are they of whom I spake of, whom it will be said to “part from me, you never knew me.” And the dream ended.

There’s more detail to that dream that I will not share with you at this time. I prayed over it. Two weeks later, because I prayed that I didn’t want to share it until I had confirmation, two weeks later I had another dream the contents matter was basically the same. I was in a different place. In a different situation, but had a very similar experience. And so I can tell you today, that I know that the Lord is coming soon. He holds the church in His hands. It is not in your hands. It is not in the hands of any man or set of men. The church is from the beginning. If you have studied, or read, or heard the endowment series by brother Oakman, he speaks of the church and its inception. And I would encourage you to go listen to that. But I come to tell you today that the keys of the kingdom have already been committed to men on the earth. And there are those, and although I will say, and I will go on record in saying, that only some have been authentically called. And so only those, who are authentically called, will hold those keys. But to those to whom those keys have been given, and have been handed down to father and son, and from generation to generation, and to those to whom the authentic gift can be traced back to the profit, that in their hands are the keys to the kingdom. And they are committed to men on the earth to never be taken again, until Christ returns. And He is coming quickly. And I bid you this morning to begin to pray and fast, like you never have before, for the membership and for the priesthood, that Christ may return and find you His when He comes. That He might gather you in, and that you might be numbered among the elect. This is my prayer, in Jesus name.

Karl Anderson 9/15/24