Esther Ahasuerus which reigned from India A queen is to be chosen — Esther is made queen — Mordecai discovering a treason is recorded in the chronicles. Haman seeketh revenge upon all the Jews — He obtaineth a decree toput the Jews to death. Mourning of Mordecai and the Jews — Esther appointeth a fast. Esther inviteth the king and Haman to a banquet — She inviteth them to another the next day — Haman, by the counsel of Zeresh, buildeth a gallows. Ahasuerus rewardeth Mordecai — Haman unawares giveth counsel that he might do him honor — His friends tell his destiny. Esther maketh suit for her own life and her people’s — She acusethHaman — The king causeth Haman to be hanged. Mordecai advanced — Ahasuerus granteth to the Jews to defend themselves — Joy of the Jews. The Jews slay their enemies — Ahasuerus granteth another day of slaughter — The two days of Purim. Ahasuerus’ greatness — Mordecai’s advancement.