Exodus The names of the children of Israel Moses’ birth, Adoption, flight, and marriage. Moses keepeth Jethro’s flock — God appeareth to him in a burning bush — He sendeth him to deliver Israel. Moses is given a rod of power — He is loth to be sent — Aaron is called — God’s message to Pharaoh — Zipporah circumciseth her son — Aaron is called. Pharaoh increaseth the Israelites’ task — He checketh their complaints Moses crieth to God for Israel. God reneweth his promise — The genealogy of Reuben, Simeon, and Levi. Moses is encouraged — His age — His rod is turned into a serpent — The river turned to blood. Frogs sent, and Moses by prayer removeth them — The dust turned to lice — The swarms of flies. The plagues of boils, of murrain, and hail. The plagues of the locusts, and of darkness. The Israelites borrow jewels — Moses threateneth Pharaoh with the death of the firstborn. The beginning of the year changed — The passover instituted — The firstborn slain — The Israelites driven out. The firstborn sanctified — Passover commanded — The flight out of Egypt — The cloud, and a pillar of fire. God instructeth the Israelites — Pharaoh pursueth them — The Israelites pass through the Red sea. Moses’ song — The waters at Marah. Quails and manna sent. Water at the rock in Horeb — Holding up of Moses’ hands — Moses buildeth an altar. Jethro cometh to Moses — His counsel is accepted. God’s dealings with the people at Sinai. The ten commandments. Sundry laws. Sundry laws. Sundry laws — An angel promised. Moses is called up into the mountain, where he continueth forty days and forty nights. The tabernacle, mercy seat, cherubim, table, and candlestick. The furniture of the tabernacle. The altar, with the vessels thereof — The court of the tabernacle. Aaron and his sons set apart for the priest’s office — The ephod — The breastplate — The Urim and Thummim. The consecrating of the priests — God’s promise. The altar of incense — The ransom. Bezaleel and Aholiab called — The sabbath — The two tables. Aaron maketh a calf — Moses breaketh the tables — He prayeth for the people. The people murmur — The tabernacle is removed — The Lord talketh with Moses. The tables renewed — Moses cometh down with the tables — His face shineth. The sabbath — The free gifts for the tabernacle — The readiness of the people to offer. The embellishment of the tabernacle — The covering of skins. The furnishing of the tabernacle. The furnishing of the tabernacle. The clothes of service. The tabernacle is reared — A cloud covereth it.