
Judah’s rebellion — Promises and threatenings.

The coming of Christ’s kingdom — Effects of God’s majesty.

The sin of the people — The oppression of the rulers — The judgments for pride.

The glory of Zion and Jerusalem.

The parable of a vineyard — Judgments upon sins — The ensign.

A vision of the Lord in his glory — Promise to the remnant.

Ahaz comforted by Isaiah — Immanuel promised.

Prophecy against Israel and Judah — Familiar spirits — Great afflictions to idolators.

Kingdom and birth of Christ — The judgments upon Israel.

The woe of tyrants — Assyria shall be broken — Israel promiseddeliverance.

The kingdom of Christ — Restoration of Israel.

Thanksgiving for the mercies of God.

Desolation of Babylon.

Restoration of Israel — Palestina is threatened.

The lamentable state of Moab.

Moab is threatened.

Syria and Israel are threatened — The woe of Israel’s enemies.

The ensign.

The confusion of Egypt — The calling of Egypt — The covenant of Egypt, Assyria, and Israel.

A type of the captivity of Egypt and Ethiopia.

The prophet seeth in a vision the fall of Babylon by the Medes and Persians — The set time of Arabia’s calamity.

The invasion of Jewry by the Persians — He prophesieth Shebna’s deprivation.

The miserable overthrow of Tyre.

The judgments of God upon the earth — A remnant shall praise him — Christ’s reign.

The prophet praiseth God for his salvation.

An exhortation to wait on God.

The care of God for his vineyard.

The prophet threateneth Ephraim — Christ the sure foundation promised.

God’s judgment upon Jerusalem — The sealed book.

The prophet threateneth the people — God’s wrath, and the people’s joy.

Folly in forsaking God — Repentance urged.

Christ’s kingdom — Desolation foreshown — Restoration promised.

God’s judgment against the wicked — The privileges of the godly.

The judgments of God — The book of the Lord.

The flourishing of Christ’s kingdom.

Sennacherib invadeth Judah.

Hezekiah’s prayer — Isaiah’s prophecy of the destruction of Sennacherib — An angel slayeth the Assyrians.

Hezekiah hath his life lengthened, — His song of thanksgiving.

Isaiah foretelleth the Babylonian captivity.

The preaching of the gospel.

 Expostulation with the people.

The office of Christ — God’s promise unto him — Praise to God for his gospel.

God’s promises to Israel.

God comforteth Israel — The vanity of idols.

God calleth Cyrus — His saving power.

God saveth his people to the end.

God’s judgment upon Babylon and Chaldea.

God, to convince the people of their foreknown obstinacy, revealed his prophecies — He delivereth his out of Babylon.

Christ promised — Restoration of Israel.

Israel reproved — God’s power and mercies.

An exhortation to trust in God — Man’s mortality — Jerusalem promised deliverance.

The gospel ministry — Christ’s kingdom shall be exalted.

Christ’s ministry and sufferings.

God’s promises to Israel.

The prophet, with the promises of Christ, calleth to faith, and to repentance — The happy success of them that believe.

The prophet exhorteth to holiness — He inveigheth against blind watchmen.

The blessed death of the righteous — God reproveth idolatry –Promises to the penitent.

The prophet expresseth a counterfeit fast and a true — The sabbath.

Calamity is for sin — The covenant of the Redeemer.

The glory of Zion.

The office of Christ — Blessings of the faithful.

Restitution promised.

Second coming of Christ.

Prayer for Christ’s second coming — Sins confessed — Prayer for Zion and Jerusalem.

The calling of Israel — The blessed state in the restitution.

God will be served in humble sincerity — God’s severe judgments against the wicked.