Jeremiah The calling of Jeremiah — An almond rod and a seething pot — Message against Judah. God expostulateth with Israel — They are the causes of their own calamities — The sins of Judah. God’s great mercy — Judah’s vile whoredom — Israel reproved. God called Israel by his promise — He exhorteth Judah to repentance — A grievous lamentation. The judgments of God upon the Jews and Israel for their sins. Enemies sent against Judah. Jeremiah is sent to call for true repentance, to prevent the Jews’ captivity. The calamity of the Jews — Their grievous judgment. Jeremiah lamenteth — Disobedience the cause of bitter calamity. The unequal comparison of God and idols — The prophet lamenteth the spoil of the tabernacle. God’s covenant proclaimed. Jeremiah complaineth of the wicked’s prosperity — The penitent to return from captivity. The type of a linen girdle — The parable of the bottles filled with wine — Future judgments — Abominations are the cause thereof. The grievous famine — The Lord will not be entreated for the people — Lying prophets. Rejection of the Jews — A threatening for them. The prophet showeth the ruin of the Jews — Their return from captivity. Trust in man is cursed, in God is blessed — The salvation of God — The sabbath. The type of a potter — Jeremiah prayeth against his conspirators. The type of breaking a potter’s vessel — The desolation of the Jews. Pashur’s fearful doom — Jeremiah complaineth. Jeremiah foretelleth a hard siege and miserable captivity. Exhortation to repentance — Judgment of Shallum, Jehoiakim, and Coniah. He prophesieth a restoration — Christ shall rule and save them — False prophets. The type of good and bad figs — Desolation of Zedekiah. Jeremiah foretelleth the seventy years’ captivity, and the destruction of Babylon and of all nations. Jeremiah exhorteth to repentance — He is apprehended and acquitted. The type of bonds and yokes — He foretelleth the remnant of the vessels shall be carried to Babylon. Hananiah prophesieth falsely — Jeremiah foretelleth Hananiah’s death. Jeremiah sendeth a letter to the captives in Babylon — End of Ahaband Zedekiah, two lying prophets. The return of the Jews — Wrath shall fall on the wicked. The restoration of Israel — Rachel comforted — New covenant. Jeremiah imprisoned — God promiseth a gracious return. Restoration of Israel and Judah — Branch of righteousness. Jeremiah prophesieth the captivity of Zedekiah and the city. God blesseth the Rechabites for their obedience. Jeremiah’s prophecy is read publicly, is burned by the king — The punishment of Jehoiakim. Jeremiah prophesieth the Chaldeans’ victory — He is beaten and put in prison. Jeremiah is put into the dungeon. Jerusalem is taken — Zedekiah is made blind, and sent to Babylon– The good usage of Jeremiah. Jeremiah is set free — The dispersed Jews repair unto him — Ishmael’s conspiracy. Ishmael’s conspiracy. Jeremiah assureth Johanan’s safety in Judea, and destruction in Egypt. Johanan discredits Jeremiah’s prophecy — Jeremiah prophesieth the conquest of Egypt by the Babylonians. The desolation of Judah for their idolatry — The obstinacy of the Jews. Baruch dismayed. Jeremiah prophesieth the overthrow of Pharaoh’s army, and the conquest of Egypt — He comforteth Jacob. The destruction of the Philistines. The judgment of Moab — The restoration of Moab. The judgment of the Ammonites — Their restoration — The judgment of Edom, of Damascus, of Kedar, of Hazor, and of Elam — The restoration of Elam. The judgment of Babylon — Redemption of Israel. The book of prophecy cast into Euphrates. Zedekiah rebelleth — Jerusalem taken — Zedekiah’s eyes put out.