
The care of Job for his children — Satan obtaineth leave to tempt Job — Job’s integrity.

Satan obtaineth further leave to tempt Job — He smiteth him withsore boils — Job reproveth his wife — His friends condole with him.

Job curses the day of his birth — The ease of death — He complaineth of life.

Eliphaz reproveth Job.

Eliphaz’ reproof continued.

Job’s complaints are not causeless — He wisheth for death andreproveth his friends.

Job excuseth his desire of death — He complaineth of his own restlessness and God’s watchfulness.

Bildad showeth God’s justice.

God’s justice — Man’s innocency is not be be condemned by afflictions.

Job expostulateth with God about his afflictions.

Zophar reproveth Job.

Job acknowledgeth God’s omnipotency.

Job reproveth his friends — He entreateth to know God’s purpose in afflicting him.

Job entreateth God for favor.

Eliphaz reproveth Job of impiety.

Job maintaineth his innocency.

Job appealeth to God — His hope not in this life.

Bildad telleth the calamities of the wicked.

Job craveth pity and believeth the resurrection.

Zophar reproacheth the wicked.

Job showeth that the wicked do prosper and despise God — The happy and unhappy alike die.

Eliphaz accuseth Job of sins and exhorteth him to repent.

Job longeth for God — God observeth our ways — Job’s innocency.

There is a judgment for the wicked.

The words of Bildad the Shuhite.

Job acknowledgeth the power of God to be infinite.

Job’s sincerity — The hypocrite — Blessings by the wicked are turned into curses.

Wisdom an excellent gift of God.

Job’s former prosperity and honor.

Job’s honor is turned into contempt, his prosperity into calamity.

Job protesteth his integrity.

Elihu, angry with Job, excuseth him — He reproveth Job’s friends.

Elihu offereth to reason with Job — God calleth man to repentance by visions, by afflictions, and by his ministry.

Elihu reproveth Job.

Comparison not to be made with God — Many not heard for want of faith.

Elihu showeth how God’s works are to be magnified.

God is to be feared — His wisdom shown.

The Lord answereth Job.

God’s answer continued.

God’s answer continued — Job humbleth himself to God.

God’s power illustrated.

Job submitteth himself unto God — God accepteth and blesseth Job — Job’s age and death.