
The gospel preached in the beginning — John beareth record of the gospel, and of Christ — Is Elias — Andrew, Philip, and Peter called.

Marriage at Cana — Jesus driveth the traffickers out of the temple.

The new birth of water and spirit — Love of God declared — John baptizeth — Christ baptizeth.

The Pharisees seek to destroy Jesus — The woman and the well — The water of life eternal — The nobleman’s son healed.

Impotent man healed — The resurrection — Testimony of Christ.

Christ feedeth five thousand — The people would make him king — He walketh on the sea — Himself the bread of life — Many leave him.

Jesus reproveth his kinsmen — Goeth up to the feast of tabernacles — Teacheth in the temple.

The woman taken in adultery — Christ the light of the world.

The man that was born blind restored to sight.

Christ is the door, and the good shepherd — Divers opinions of him — Many believed on him.

Christ raiseth Lazarus — Many Jews believe — Caiaphas prophesieth — Jesus hid himself.

Mary anointing Jesus’ feet — Christ rideth into Jerusalem — He foretelleth his death — Many chief rulers believe, but do not confess him.

Jesus washeth the disciples’ feet — Commandeth them to love one another.

Christ the way, the truth, and the life, and one with the Father — Their prayers in his name effectual — Requesteth love and obedience — Promiseth the Holy Ghost the Comforter.

The parable of the vine — The hatred and persecution of the world — The office of the Holy Ghost, and of the apostles.

Christ forewarneth of persecution — The promise of the Holy Ghost –Resurrection and ascension — Their prayers in his name acceptable to his Father — Peace in Christ, and in the world affliction.

Christ prayeth to his Father to glorify him — To keep his apostles in unity and truth, and all other believers, with him.

Judas betrayeth Jesus — The officers fall to the ground — Peter smiteth off Malchus’ ear — Peter’s denial — Jesus examined before Caiaphas –Before Pilate — The Jews ask Barabbas.

Christ is scourged, crowned with thorns, and beaten — Pilate delivereth him to be crucified — They cast lots for his garments — He dieth — His side is pierced — He is buried by Joseph and Nicodemus.

Mary cometh to the sepulcher — So do Peter and John — Jesus appeareth to Mary Magdalene, and to his disciples — The incredulity, and confession of Thomas.

Christ appearing again to his disciples — He dineth with them.