Joshua cometh to Jordan — The Lord encourageth Joshua, and the people — The waters of Jordan divided.
Twelve stones for a memorial — Twelve other stones set up in the midst of Jordan — The people pass over.
The Canaanites are afraid — Joshua reneweth circumcision — The passover — Manna ceaseth — An Angel appeareth to Joshua.
Jericho shut up — The city compassed — The walls fall down — Rahabsaved — The builder of Jericho cursed.
The Israelites smitten — Joshua’s complaint — God instructeth him what to do — Achan is taken by the lot and destroyed.
God encourageth Joshua — Ai taken — An altar built — The law on stones Blessings and cursings.
The kings combine against Israel — The Gibeonites condemned to perpetual bondage.
War against Gibeon — Joshua rescueth it — God fighteth against them — The sun and moon stand still.
Divers kings overcome — Hazor is taken and burnt — All the countrytaken by Joshua — The Anakim cut off.
The two kings taken by Moses — The one and thirty kings which Joshua smote.
The bounds of the land not yet conquered — The inheritance of the tribes — Balaam slain.
The nine tribes and a half to have their inheritance by lot — Caleb obtaineth Hebron.
The borders of the lot of Judah — Caleb’s portion — The cities of Judah.
The general borders of the sons of Joseph.
The lot of Manasseh — The Canaanites not driven out.
The tabernacle of Shiloh — Joshua divideth the remainder of the land by lot — The lot of Benjamin.
The lot of Simeon, of Zebulun, of Issachar, of Asher, of Naphtali, of Dan, and of Joshua.
God commandeth, and the children of Israel appoint the six cities of refuge.
Eight and forty cities given unto the Levites — God gave the land, and rest unto the Israelites, according to his promise.
The two tribes and a half sent home — They build the altar of testimony.
Joshua’s exhortation before his death.
Joshua assembleth the tribes — He reneweth the covenant — A stone the witness of the covenant — Joshua’s death — Joseph’s bones are buried — Eleazar dieth.