
The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ

The preaching of Christ — The word confirmed by signs.

The choosing of the Twelve — Their names — The brethren of Christ.

The parable of the sower, and of the mustard seed.

The unclean spirit at the tombs — Healing of Jairus’ daughter.

The Twelve called and sent out — The five loaves and two fishes.

What defileth a man — The Syrophoenician woman’s child healed.

Feeding the multitude — Healing the blind man — Self-denial taught.

Transfiguration — Elias — Offending members to be cut off.

Of divorcement — Blessing of children — Deceitfulness of riches — Reward of the saints — Self-denial — Self-exaltation — Blind Bartimeus.

Christ’s entry into Jerusalem — He driveth out the money changers and teaches in the Temple — He teacheth forgiveness.

Parable of the vineyard — Tribute money — Neither marrying nor giving in marriage in the resurrection — The great commandment — Widow’s mite.

The destruction of Jerusalem — Christ’s second coming.

Christ anointed by the woman — The Passover eaten — Christ’s betrayal.

Christ’s trial, crucifixion, and burial.

Christ’s resurrection — The great commission given.