
Giving the genealogy from Abraham until the coming of Christ.

Giving a history of the birth of Christ.

Joseph, being warned in a dream, flees to Egypt — John’s mission — He baptizeth Jesus.

Christ led away by the Spirit — Tempted of the devil — The commencement of his ministry.

The commencement of Christ’s teaching on the Mount.

Christ’s teaching on the mount continued.

Christ instructing his disciples what to teach unto the world.

Jesus comes down from the mountain — Does many mighty works — sends the devils into the swine.

Jesus rejecteth the Jews, with their baptism — Parable of the wine and bottles.

Christ calleth the Twelve — Giveth them power over unclean spirits –Sendeth them forth — Instructs them what to do.

John sendeth his disciples to Christ — Testimony of Christ concerning John.

Jesus teaches the Scribes and Pharisees — Restores a withered hand on the Sabbath day.

Jesus teaches the multitude in parables. Parable of the sower — of the tares — grain of mustard seed.

John the Baptist beheaded — A multitude miraculously fed.

Christ goeth into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon — Great multitudes come to him — He heals the lame, the blind, and dumb.

Jesus cometh to the coast of Caesarea Philippi — Asks his disciples who men say he is — who they say he is — Delivers unto Peter the keys of the kingdom.

Christ transfigured upon the mountain.

The parable of the lord and his servants — Likened unto the kingdom of heaven.

The Pharisees, tempting Christ, ask if it be lawful to put away one’s wife.

The kingdom of heaven likened unto a man hiring laborers in his vineyard.

Christ rideth into Jerusalem on a colt, the foal of an ass.

Parable of the marriage supper.

Christ upbraideth the Scribes for their hypocrisy — Weepeth over Jerusalem.

Christ foretelleth the destruction of Jerusalem, and the end of the wicked.

Parable of the ten virgins — The talents — The judgment.

The Lord’s supper — Christ betrayed.

The Crucifixion of Christ.

The resurrection of Christ — He sends forth the disciples.