Nehemiah Nehemiah fasteth and prayeth. Nehemiah cometh to Jerusalem — He inciteth the Jews to build. The names and order of them that builded the wall. Nehemiah armeth the laborers. The Jews complain — Nehemiah rebuketh the usurers — He forbeareth his own allowance. Sanballat seeketh to terrify Nehemiah — The work is finished. Nehemiah committeth the charge of Jerusalem to Hanani and Hananiah — Genealogy of them which came at the first out of Babylon — Their oblations. The manner of expounding the law — The feast of tabernacles. Repentance of the people — The Levites make a religious confession of God’s goodness and their wickedness. The covenant. The dwellers at Jerusalem. Succession of high priests — The dedication of the walls — Offices of priests and Levites in the temple. Upon the reading of the law separation is made from the multitude — Nehemiah institutes reform.