The sons of Aaron — The Levites are numbered by their families — The place and charge of Moses and Aaron.
The age and time of the Levites’ service — The tabernacle — The charge of Eleazar.
The unclean removed — Restitution — Of Jealousy.
The law of the Nazarites — The form of blessing.
The dedication of the tabernacle and altar — God speaketh to Moses from the mercy-seat.
The consecration of the Levites — The age and time of their service.
The passover is commanded again — The cloud guideth the Israelites.
The silver trumpets — The Israelites remove from Sinai to Paran — The blessing of Moses at the removing and resting of the ark.
The burning at Taberah — The people lust for flesh, and loathe manna — Moses complaineth of his charge — Seventy elders called — Quails are given in wrath.
God rebuketh Miriam and Aaron — Miriam’s leprosy.
Men sent to search the land — Their return.
The people murmur at the news — God threateneth them — Moses obtaineth pardon for them — The unfaithful not permitted to enter into the land.
The law of offerings — The punishment of presumption — He that violated the sabbath is stoned.
The rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram — The earth swalloweth up Korah, and a fire consumeth others — Murmurers slain — Plague stayed.
Aaron’s rod flourisheth — It is left for a token.
The charge of the priests and Levites — Their portion.
The water of separation for purification of the unclean.
The children of Israel come to Zin, where Miriam dieth — Moses smiting the rock bringeth forth water at Meribah — At mount Hor Aaron dieth.
Israel at Hormah — Fiery serpents sent — The brazen serpent.
Balak desireth Balaam to curse Israel — An angel opposeth Balaam.
Balak’s sacrifice — Balaam’s parable.
Balaam prophesieth — Balak dismisseth him — Star of Jacob.
Israel commit whoredom and idolatry — Phinehas killeth Zimri and Cozbi The Midianites are to be vexed.
Israel again numbered — The law of inheritance — The families and number of the Levites.
The law of inheritances — Joshua appointed to succeed Moses.
Offerings to be observed.
Offerings to be observed.
Of vows.
The Midianites are spoiled, and Balaam slain — Moses is wroth.
Moses reproveth Reuben and Gad — They conquer the land assigned by Moses.
Two and forty journeys of the Israelites — The Canaanites to be destroyed.
The borders of the land — The men who divide the land.
Eight and forty cities for the Levites — Six of them cities of refuge — The laws of murder.
The inheritance of daughters secured by marrying in their own tribes — The daughters of Zelophehad.