D & C Section 105:9,10
9. Verily, verily I say unto you, Darkness covereth the earth and gross darkness the minds of the people and all flesh has become corrupt before My face. Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth – a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning and of lamentation – and as a whirlwind it shall come upon the face of the earth, saith the Lord.
10. And upon My house shall it begin, and from My house shall it go forth, saith the Lord. First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know My name and have not known Me and have blasphemed against Me in the midst of My house, saith the Lord.
Patriarch Mike Ballantyne
July 20, 2018
Mike: For some time, I have been hearing – “A storm is coming.” “A great storm is coming.” So, I asked the Lord for better understanding of what was being given. This is the message received:
As soon as possible proceed with all needed duties for soon a storm of great intensity will sweep through Jackson County and surrounding areas. Widespread destruction will occur. There will be no more local television or communications of any kind. A radio with batteries can be a source of news but cell phones which need to be charged will be useless.
Have on hand needed items and provisions for it will be some time before power is restored. Canned foods will be of value. I will multiply what you have for many neighbors will be hungry.
The ability to travel will be limited so you will remain in your homes for quite some time. Access to stores and other places of convenience will not be available.
Survival will be the driving force, but if you remain faithful, I will sustain you and those you love.
Do not expect immediate assistance as the devastation will be so vast that emergency crews will be unable to reach your area for many days. You will need to rely totally on your Savior, Jesus.
If the people of my church would humble themselves and pour out their hearts in mighty prayer, this storm could be delayed, but I see very few who are truly repentant and so many refuse to let go of Babylon.
So, I will sweep this area clean and anoint it for the gathering of Israel.
I have directed certain of my priesthood to warn the congregations in the past.
Some have recently made it very clear that disasters will come. So, I have spoken to those of faith who will listen to My still, small voice to their souls. They are preparing diligently for waves of destruction which will cover many miles and few will be rescued due to the severe damage.
I have waited, oh so long. Now it is soon time for the cleansing of the land to begin. This will rally a call to the God of Heaven as many will find themselves without provisions.
Some will leave the area carrying with them whatever things they have left. Others will endure and they will have My Spirit with them.
I will completely support and sustain My beloved ones who desire to live in My Zion. All their needs will be met, even to the smallest detail. The faithful few will remain and assist in building up the waste places of Zion.
Do not fear these things, but rejoice that I have warned you, so that you may be prepared.
And now, seek me often for light and wisdom in all your preparations. Keep marching toward Zion and trust the hand of the One that has brought you thus far, even your Lord and your Savior, Jesus the Christ. Amen and Amen.