2022 – May 12

2022 – April 12

Patriarch Mike Ballantyne
May 12, 2022



Encouraging Message to the Saints

Awaken, my saints, cast away unbelief and doubt. Look to My word for it reveals what is about to transpire. I have given you this message to share with those you love and with others who will soon see My power revealed in great measure, even a blessing of endowment, a blessing of courage, a blessing of hope.

My saints are now downtrodden, as were the Native American people. They have been deceived, thinking that My church is no longer a viable tool in the midst of great wickedness. But I say to you that soon a great and might force will be released from heaven. It will engulf the world with such power that the emissaries of darkness will tremble at its presence and cry aloud in terror as My Spirit moves across this great land. The frontiers of evangelism have not been fully realized. When My power descends in full measure, the wandering tribes of Israel will gather to the center of this land and the light that will be shown will illuminate the path of those seeking deliverance, causing many to abandon false beliefs and foolish traditions in favor of My presence and in accordance with My promises.

Due to the lateness of the hour, some think that only disaster awaits those of My choosing. But I declare that the situation you now find among those of My church will drastically change. Those of a downcast nature will turn from their sorrow into ministers of radiant hope and missionaries of great conversion.

Look no more at the tragic circumstances existing in government and in the social order. Look only to My promise that Zion will rise and the multitudes that have wandered in the desert shall find their path to My City. A City set on a hill filled with the presence of My Spirit and filled with My omnipotent power and grace.

Those who sit in the pews of My sanctuaries lacking Vibrant testimony and stanch belief will rise up and speak forth in My name, crying out to all within their reach to prepare. Prepare, for the fulfillment of redemption is near at hand.

The earth will tremble. The mountains will move out of their place. The oceans will rise and fall in great tumultuous emulations, but this is all in preparation for the King of Heaven. His return will cause even the stars to fall and the sun and moon shall hide their light in shame.

Do not sit now in the valley of desperation. Rely not on your physical preparations, for it is not those whose pantries are filled with merchandise that will find true peace and sustained safety. But it is those filled with My Spirit who will walk on top of the waters and shout to the heavens that Zion is born. Keep not silent. Keep not back your proclamation, for that which many have viewed as ultimate disaster will realize that God’s hand is reshaping the land and bringing back that which has been lost since My church was first established.

Cry, shout forth, all you who are a remnant of Israel, either by lineage or by baptism! Why weep in the valley of temporalities? Step out of the darkness and walk in My blessed assurance. For as surely as the sun gives light to the day and as surely as the moon gives light to the darkness, My hand of mercy shall set in order My church and restore the nations to their former purpose. For many men will stand girded with My armor and evil will be conquered by the power of My word.

I have spoken. Listen to the voice of One who rules in the heavens as well as on the earth. You are the generation of Zion’s fair towers and you are the people who will abide till I come. Amen and Amen