2024 – April 28

Patriarch Mike Ballantyne
April 28, 2024



Father, what will happen in this GREAT MOVEMENT of God? I ask in Jesus name.

The extent of this movement will include some of My priesthood moving throughout the world declaring My return and teaching the world’s people about My life, death, and resurrection. How I taught My disciples about My Kingdom which would be established on the earth in the latter days. Their testimony will be followed by mass numbers of people being healed and delivered from corrupt governments and evil rulers.They will receive, by faith, the power necessary to overcome their captivity and to follow the endowed priesthood to either the Holy Land or to Independence, Missouri, where I will sit upon My throne and govern the affairs of men for a thousand years.

Dictators of Satan’s persuasion will seek to stop these migrations with military force. They will desire to kill anyone trying to leave their domain where they govern by the hand of tyranny. As they seek to prevent the people from leaving, My priesthood will call forth legions of angels to assist in protecting those who have accepted Me as their Savior and who long to live within the walls of My City. Armies of great strength and armament will be struck down as one would crush a blade of grass with a foot. The men of these armies will recognize the power of God and some will join the ranks of the believers and follow the migrants to the lands of inheritance.

Some evil potentates will resort to military weapons, both airborne and manually operated. The weapons used will literally dissolve in the hands of the pursuers and the rockets will turn back on the perpetrators. Even so they will be destroyed by their own hand. The mighty acts of God will reach to the very corners of the earth for many are the inhabitants. I created each one and I love all people.

The conversion of millions will cause the very earth to shake. Mountains will be moved out of their place. Highways will be cast up in the midst of the deep. Men of renown will fear the great power that will enable the multitudes to flee their present circumstances and to seek a fair city where Jesus reigns and all the earth acknowledges His sovereignty. Those unable to walk will be carried by angels as the whole world will be in commotion. The armies of heaven will be in charge of the migrations and the armies of men will
falter and fail during the departure of those who will know that I AM the God of heaven and earth. I will beckon to them and they will come from the north, the south, the east, and the west. There will be convulsions of the earth of such magnitude that whole continents will shift causing great rifts in the land and under the sea. Mountains will rise where there were plains. Volcanos will spew forth their flames and in some places, there will be winds exceeding those of present-day hurricanes.

Yet, the path to Zion will be a joyous journey and those who embark upon it shall sing praises as they march toward the land of Jerusalem and toward the bulwarks of Zion, now in full vision on the hills of Independence. Little children, having been abandoned and left in hostile situations, will be brought to Zion by angelic messengers and many women in Zion shall take these little ones and raise them as their own. Those who were outcast, forlorn, and forgotten, along with prisoners of unjust governors, will also find their way to a place of heavenly bliss where all people love one another and where Jesus is the author and finisher of their faith. No one will be left behind, nor forgotten, who truly finds their Savior and longs to live in His Kingdom of love.

Great attempts will be made to destroy the City of God, even sending nuclear weapons to cause her demise. But these satanic instruments will be unable to penetrate God’s fortress for they will be as a soft wind blowing against a stone wall. The power of God’s priesthood will prevent those attacking, as the endowed men of God will have a great amount of My Spirit and even the mountains will move at their presence and the Word within them shall change the course of rivers and cause the wicked to flee in terror. These men of faith will go forth in full armor and they will testify of Me with the voice of angels. No man will doubt the truth of their message and only the wicked will writhe in despair. For the truth of My Word does not change, it is eternal, and the Word of My Power will even cause the gates of hell to tremble. The demons of hell know of God’s power from previous experience and their only vain hope of victory will be in those who love Satan more than God.

The effect of God’s ministers will be as though Jesus, himself, is stilling the waters. And, the presence of God’s Spirit within these brethren will cause the evil ones to fall down before them and to lick up the dust of their feet. People, not convinced of My highness, will change their opinion and those who belong to Satan’s angels will cry out in agony and weep in bitterness at the presence of God.

Those from past ages, who were in My service and at times forgotten, will return to minister to the needs of the multitude. They will bear witness of God’s unwavering love. Eventually, the knowledge of God will cover every nation and the inhabitants thereof will come up to Zion to learn of her ways. Yet this is not all of God’s great movement. For there will be visions and dreams, and the gifts will be returning, even so much so that little children shall speak in My name and babes in arms will praise the Holy One of Israel.
Throughout the thousand-year reign of Jesus, knowledge will increase and all will learn wisdom for there are more marvelous things not yet revealed. Nothing shall hurt nor destroy in God’s holy mountain and the earth will yield forth her fruit in due season. Man will see with a different perspective and the glory of God will be understood more fully as God reveals His continuing creative power. There is much ahead for God’s covenant people for He longs to reveal more of Himself. It will take many millenniums to even begin to understand God’s universe and His creation, but the journey will be one of great beauty, and those who travel the road of God’s mercy will bask in His marvels and everlasting joy will be their companion.

So be it.