2017 – December 8

2017 – December 3

Patriarch Mike Ballantyne
December 8, 2017



President Trump has given a message to the American people concerning the hopes and dreams of all people who desire freedom. But his adversaries are many. They are vicious and they plan to uproot and tear down America’s heritage.

Underground movements have already begun. They plan anarchy and will use any means to destroy this beautiful land of America and her stance of freedom.

Soon, militant groups will arise spreading terror among citizens of this country. Their diabolical plans are to annihilate all people who believe in God.

Concentration camps unknown to the American people have been set up in order to prosecute their agenda. Even the President does not know of their existence.

My people do not realize the urgency of the hour. They have never faced the horrors of war upon this land. Precious little time is left to prepare for the onslaught that is ahead.

Satan has deceived the hearts and minds of many people. They believe that somehow all will be well and life will continue on as it is now.

I love my Saints. The earth is my footstool. I have sought to bring My people into a closer relationship with Me. I cherish the time when My Saints meet together in My sanctuary seeking to worship their God and King. But, too often they leave My house and return to the worldly activities forgetting their covenant with Me until the next church service.

However, there are those who can foresee the calamity ahead. These few will be a great blessing to the other Saints as those prepared will stand fast in their testimony.

I would that all My people were prepared. What more could I have done? I have beckoned to the flock for many years, but many heeded the voice of the world.

So now we arrive at a place where the time to prepare has almost ended. To those who will listen, draw close unto Me and I will draw close unto you. Seek Me while I may be found. Put away foolish activities that do not strengthen nor promote My Kingdom.

The days are long past for my Saints to build up Zionic communities and to establish the cause of Zion. Now, I alone will bring about My purposes with a few of My Saints who love me with all their heart, might, mind and strength.

I would that My people were well established in places of safety untouched by Babylon’s influence and away from the diseases and rubbish of mankind. Nevertheless, I will be merciful for I will continue to call a people who are slow to answer. I will continue to cry out to many though their ears are closed to My warnings.

The trials are on the horizon. The severity of the times will soon be felt and seen.

My people, My loved ones, COME TO ME, climb higher up the mountain. Do not remain in the valleys where the forces of darkness have dominion.

Lest you forget; I suffered extreme agony for all men. I carried and bore the sins of all people that they might look up and draw near unto Me.

The times of refreshing will come. A time of peace and beauty. But before that day the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give her light. The stars will fall from heaven for sudden destruction awaits the people of this land.

As a parent cries out to a child who is about to fall into a flaming fire, I cry out again and again for it is my desire that all are saved.

To treat lightly the warnings of God is to open the door to extreme distress and trial.

So be it. My love for My people will never end even though many are far from Me.

I cannot save My people from great turmoil if they will not heed My counsel.

Before it is too late, embrace the words of your Heavenly Father. Cast away things that separate you from My presence and when you call, I will answer.

Soon the door will close to deliverance. Make haste and enter in before disaster strikes. 

Even So, Amen