2018 – July 8

Patriarch Mike Ballantyne
July 8, 2018



Message for those in the Centerplace.

Cherished are the memories of past victories found in My Holy Write times when the saints were given great blessings, times when prophecy, healings, and the gift of tongues were almost daily occurrences. Also, when My saints met together; it was a time of great rejoicing and praise. Tears of joy were flowing as former saints received miraculous blessings. Times when the blind received their sight.

When those with the palsy, paralysis and leprosy found deliverance as My Son and the disciples reached out in loving gesture and the fame of the blessed Messiah filled the land.

Once more these same miraculous happenings and many more will bring much comfort and relief to masses of people, some of which have never known a time when they were well.

These ailments are the evidences of a wicked being who stalks the land seeking whom he might destroy. But soon his hand will be stayed. I will soon deliver those bowed down by sin and held in bondage by disease and the evil designs of men.

In the sanctuaries will be felt a great spirit of exultation. Remorse and suffering will flee away as My power moves in and through My Holy Priesthood. Women and children will also feel the charge (or change?) and prophecy in My name. The speaking in tongues will be evident frequently as non-members will desire to know the marvelous happenings within My churches.

As judgment rages, a great awakening will occur among members and non-members. The cry of relief will spread across the landscape causing many to seek the institutions where the God of Power resides. Lost souls searching for relief and purpose will walk many miles in order to find the One who redeems and saves all those of a repentant heart. My saints are not yet ready to receive the many who will flock to the churches seeking refuge and hope.

My lovely ones need to be aware that those of different races will grace the House of God. Those who have wandered aimlessly through life will come, not by the hundreds, but by the thousands.

Oh, you saints of latter-day Israel, are you willing and ready to succor those of different culture and upbringing? Are you willing to open your doors to many strangers and unbelievers?

This is My call to you this day, “PREPARE FOR THE MASSES.” Make ready the table for a multitude of souls will soon approach the threshold of your homes and sanctuaries.

My desire is for all men and women of every race and culture to find their Messiah and to find His Restored Church on the face of the earth.

As you reach out a loving hand to those bereft of hope, I will pour out My Spirit in such power that these people will feel the love and power of the Christ.
They will desire to know more about the great God you worship. They will desire acknowledge of His ways. They will yearn to have the peace and the spirit of quietness that resides in you. It may be difficult for some to embrace the different individuals that approach your door for they will not be like the saints you meet with during the week. Nevertheless, I love them. I died for these people as I died for you. When you reach out in complete love to these forlorn souls, you will be reaching out to Me.

Despise not their appearance for some will be different and their countenances grave. Can you love the Mexican, Muslim and black man as you love those who sit next to you in the pews? Can you embrace the Native American and those of Oriental descent as you embrace others of the church?

If you are unsure of your feelings and attitudes, seek Me with all diligence and ask for the gift of charity which is the pure love of Christ. In this way I will bless you and the love you feel for the wayfaring stranger will drive away all fear and doubt in your heart.

For this purpose, you are here in the Centerplace – to share all you have with those I bring to your door, so that all may have opportunity to worship at the feet of Jesus when He returns. If you cannot open your heart and welcome those sent to you, you will be unable to abide in My Zion. For every nationality on earth will be represented at the wedding feast of the Lamb.
Be ready to witness in humbleness and selflessness to many, many souls. I require a broken heart and a contrite spirit for the task is great that lies before you. I require a willing and receptive mind of those who will die to self and give all for the cause of the Kingdom.

Be assured I will bless you exceedingly if you seek for the gifts of charity, wisdom, patience and long suffering. You will find it easy to LOVE for in each person’s face, you will see the face of the

Even so it will be. Amen.