2022 – September 27

2022 – September 25

September 27, 2022



Many of My servants came to My Temple in anticipation of great and marvelous manifestations of power. I was indeed in their presence but I could not endow them with the things they desired as they are not as yet of one heart and one mind.

They came before Me, some in great preparation, while others came with a minor amount of preparatory experience. I love these My brethren and I desire to show them the greater truth of My power. I desire to grant unto them an increased knowledge of spiritual things but although some were prepared to even enter My chambers, others sat slightly aware of the true reason for their gathering.

I moved among them even though they received not what was desired, I still blessed them with My presence and many received a blessing of which they are not yet fully aware. To My servants who came clothed in My righteousness I granted a special blessing which will be revealed in a very short time.

There were a few who had spiritual manifestations and visions into future events. But many sat waiting for God to pour out on them spiritual power not experienced before. Indeed, some were ready, but I could not fill their vessels with what I had to give them or it would have destroyed them in their present state.

My brethren, oh how I long for you to be in a closer relationship with Me. How I long to sit with you and have you drink of the waters of further revealment and to eat the manna of spiritual enlightenment. The day will come that most of you will be prepared, for the days are soon that unless you choose to walk in harmony with My laws and My commandments, I will choose other men to stand in your stead.

But be not cast down for I will fulfill My promises to My Holy priesthood and many will adhere to My call and seek Me, crying before My alter and I will spare the people for whom they implore supplication.

Evil desires are in the hearts and minds of Satan’s followers, even to the point that before long many will behold the destruction of those who take counsel from medical professionals and from those not familiar with the vices being used to increase massive genocide among the nations.

So it is, I wait a little longer for those who are trying to do My will. But it is soon time to endow those who live unto Me in every thought and deed. For the floodgates are lifting and I need to send forth My warriors into battle to secure the ramparts and to bring safely home those who are bound by Satan’s devices. Not much time is left. Heed to My warning for salt which has lost its savor will be cast out and trodden under foot.

I long for all to be with Me when I set up My Kingdom. Will you be there oh men of high calling? Or will you choose the way of Inadequate preparation The choice is in your hands, but I beckon longingly as a Father beckons to a heedless son.

Come, come unto Me. Now is the time that I will receive you. Take My counsel or be lost in the way. 

Amen and Amen