2023 – April 12

Patriarch Mike Ballantyne
April 12, 2023



Until my people adhere to My words and obey My commandments, a lesser portion of My Spirit will be felt among the congregations. For I have often reminded those of My flock that I will indeed direct and guide all who seek Me fervently. I have pleaded with those whom have taken upon themselves My name. I love My saints and I long to walk with them and tell them more of the things that will enrich their lives and cause their soul to rejoice at My constant companionship.

I am troubled, for although there have been some difficult times, I still see a lack of commitment among some of My people. Is the path too easy at this time that you have forgotten the things I have required at your hands? Has the enemy ceased to invade the land of Zion and to ensnare My people? No, for I say he continues to seek to thwart My efforts to bring to pass My Kingdom which will be the Ark of the Latter Day.

Have I lightened your load so much that you cannot hear the menacing voice of those who desire your destruction? Have you regarded not My provincial care for you during times of duress and conflict? Are you deserting the ranks and chosen to sit on the sidelines while a few faithful men and women continue to battle for the truth and witness of Me in every situation that confronts them? For I declare this day that the battle will become more fierce. The foe will increase his attacks. The lives of many will be lost because My saints have not engaged in the conflict by busy themselves with the lesser things of life.

My heart is heavy, yet I rejoice in those who wait longingly for the endowment and who never lay down their weapons in the fight for deliverance. It is now I speak to My faithful, My cherished children My warriors of faith and defenders of truth. The time approaches that again My hand of judgment will fall upon those who seek wicked practices and upon those whose desire it is to pervert and destroy My blessed people and My sacred land.

Today within the borders of your land, many are traveling north, west, and east to settle in your cities and to take up residence in your land. Many have been brought here by My hand, while others are here to erase the inhabitants and take that which is not theirs. Their numbers increase and will continue to increase for the borders are no longer secure.

As My people have let down their guard against the enemy of their soul so that they might not be protected, so it is the borders are no longer in place to guard this country. My people are less concerned about their purpose and more concerned about material and financial gain.

So it is, I must again lay siege to the devil’s intentions by wiping away existing stability offered by Babylon an which will cause My saints to remember whom it is they serve. The battles rages on although some lie down on their couches and hear not the enemy coming down the path.

But to those engaged in My great cause, I bid you be of good cheer, for you will inhabit the land I have prepared for you and the gates of security will again arise around Zion’s encampment. So, as the days of pleasant weather approach, I continue to admonish those who seek My Kingdom. Keep on My children, though your numbers be few, for I am God and I will fulfill all that I have promised.

Have you noticed a lull in activity among the wicked? Does it seem as though all may be well even though conflicts continue in other lands? Those with sound understanding realize that all they see happening in the Ukraine will soon be upon this land.

The noise grows tighter as the people called by My name relax in their stupor and focus on exciting summer activities and pleasurable engagements. So, it has been and will continue to be, but underneath the deceptive surface, a cauldron of mass destruction is about to boil into vision, and for those not prepared the great deluge will not spare them due to their lack of commitment.

Zion, My city, awaits to descend, for I long to be with My beloved as the cries of the masses continue to rise up before Me. Be not content with present circumstance. Live completely for your Savior. Man the lifeboats for the ship is sinking. For although it seems peaceful and silent, the immensity of desolation is soon upon you.

Again, I am warning yet only a few heed My voice. I come and come quickly. Make the wedding garments ready and bring all to the wedding feast who will heed your warnings. I send My angels to help you. Step forward and do not delay, for great and mighty destruction awaits the heedless, but My arm of mercy will embrace and protect all who hear My voice. So be it. Amen.s